Wednesday, October 23, 2019

'Nuf Said :: Remember those GEICO Squirrel Commercial?

October 23 2019,

October greeted us with a bang, literally. On Tuesday, October 1, I heard a sound in the chimney. Thirty seconds later, the same squealing / screaming noise repeated.

I turned to my husband and said, we have something in the chimney.

He ignored me until we heard it again and was next to the chimney and he agreed that there was something.

We took our humane cage trap that was up in the attic and placed it in the chimney.

I know you are asking why we would have a humane trap. Last year in the winter, we caught two flying squirrels in the attic. Well, we think they are flying squirrels, they don't look like anything that we've seen before. That was another interesting adventure. The squirrels did eat some of my cotton batting that I had stored up in the attic. Grrrr.

Flying Squirrel
So after we put the trap on, we opened the chimney flue. We didn't catch it on the first day. On the second day, after much worry (on my part) of the squirrel dying, somehow we chased the squirrel into the trap.

First Squirrel, October 2nd, 12:33 PM, Fiesty / Rabid
Hubby took the teenage squirrel out and we celebrated with a high five. We let it go in the backyard because I read that if we let it out somewhere they are not familiar, their chances of surviving is low.

Not five minutes went by, we heard another sound. We caught this one a day later. This one was very quiet and shy.

Second Squirrel, October 3rd, 12:22 PM Quiet
As we caught the second one, there was another sound, and indeed, a third squirrel was in our chimney.

Third Squirrel, October 4th, 3:07 PM Super Rabid
Then we heard a fourth one. This one was quick or stupid. It went into the trap quickly.

Fourth Squirrel, October 4th, 4:20 PM
The fifth one was difficult, because it sat on the ledge of the flue and wouldn't come off the ledge. So this one took some time to catch.

Fifth Squirrel, October 6th, 11:04 AM

While chasing the squirrels into the trap, it had lifted the dust that was in the chimney, and I started itching. I got bitten by something on my arms, legs and back. It might be the some insect in the dust. Hubby didn't get bitten, then again, I'm much sweeter than he is.

This is my back after 2 days of itching.

In conclusion, I would like to thank my husband, humane trap, Teddy Natural Peanut Butter, Clorox and the glass door we have on the fire place in making this event a success. Gawd, no more squirrels please. And yes, hubby went to the roof after the first and second squirrel and lowered the chimney cap so that there is no way that the squirrels are ever going to come back that way. He has to put meshing on the cap so this will not happen for another 6 years.

And, just in case you don't remember the GEICO commercial, here's a link to it.

Quilt & Bitch

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