Sunday, September 29, 2019

Happily Ever After...???

September 29 2019,

So, I'm running about three months behind on my blog posts. Sorry about that, but I have been keeping busy here and there.

During the guild Quilt Show in May, people came up to asks me what I would do after my Presidency with so much free time? I reminded them that the term did not end till August 31st. At that time, I estimated that I had approximately 20 hours of more work over the summer.

So what have I been doing with all my free time before I fractured my knee?

I have been gardening. Nope, not gardening for myself, but for other people. I answered an "ad" that was posted in a neighborhood site that I was part off, and the person was looking for someone to prune. I had left my phone number on the site and three other ladies contacted me. So the original person who posted, I ended up not doing any work because what he wanted I knew he would not be happy with what I would end up doing.

So since June, I would garden 4-5 times a week, mostly 2 hours a day between 6:00 AM and 8:00 AM, and sometimes I would do double shift. It consisted of digging holes, planting plants and small trees, moving dirt, mulching, trimming shrubs, pulling weeds, picking up plants from the store, fertilizing.

At one point, one of the ladies, her down spout was not far enough from the house. So hubby and I extended her downspout and pushed it away from her house.

This part of the house, the lady of the house wanted to clean it up a bit. So this large area, irises were pulled out, low maintenance plants, such as Astilebe and Hostas were planted.

At one point, while she was waiting for another crew to come by and clear out a bigger area than I could handle, she had me clean her kayaks. Basically I will do whatever she needed me to do. No need to go to the gym, the planting, digging, hauling of things is my workout.

The most wonderful thing was to be greeted by beautiful flowers in the morning. From Hibiscus, Lilies, Irises, Lotus, Hydrangeas.

So that's what I did all summer. I help ladies with their garden work. I love it, they love me.

Quilt & Bitch

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