Decemer 29, 2009,
Christmas is over, thus here is a recap of the good, the bad and the ugly gifts.
The Good
- Hubby and I received a gift certificate to a local sushi place. So that's good.
- I received a $50 gift card for Joann's, a USB heated slippers, Pike Street 3-in-1 Softie Wrap/Throw (the upscale version of the Snuggle blanket)

The Bad
- Hubby got a sweater.
- I got Christmas socks.

The Ugly
Well, it's not exactly ugly, but evil. It is a cute evil eye bracelet. According to wikipedia, "Evil eye is a look that is believed by many cultures to be able to cause injury or bad luck on the person at whom it is directed for reasons of envy or dislike. The term also refers to the power, supersitiously attributed to certain persons, of inflicting injury or bad luck by such a look." (source:
Thus, I should wear this bracelet when I'm playing pool, might come in handy.

Christmas was not that crazy this year, probably due to the recession. This is good, because we did not get that many gifts, thus not too many really bad gifts or gifts that will be put in the regifting box.
This morning, I attempted to do a cheesecake because I had heavy cream that I had to use. Instead of putting the oven on bake, I put it on broil. Thus the end result is cheese cake in the trash.

Being ambitious, I also made chicken soup. I did not have an oil separator, thus, that's why the chicken soup looked more like pee soup. Still it tasted good. Used 5 chicken leg quarters and simmered on low for four hours.

Quilt & Bitch
wow, usb heated the web & keep ur feet warm at the same time! that's just too much.
Isn't technology great? People sure invent the weirdest things.
hi q&b. if u wanna catch "the unit", the sleuth channel is having a 72-hr marathon. i'm recording it on my dvr.
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