September 1 2010,
We moved this past Saturday. Things that could have gone wrong did go wrong.
I won't start from the beginning, but I think the two week curse has been lifted. The curse started when a lady cut me off and nearly hit another car and my car. I pulled over to a side street to pick up hubby who was working down town.
I also had the opportunity to tell her that she needed to be more careful when she was driving. Her remark was "Does it make you happy?" She asked this question a few times, and I explained to her that I was only cautioning her of her lack of driving skill. And I also said that I was picking up my husband and that was why I was talking to her. From that point forward, everything went down hill. I sincerely believe she put a voodoo curse on me.
The following Tuesday, I called U-Haul to confirm my reservation for Saturday. I found out that they had cancelled the reservation and were able to get me another truck at another location. I said fine. The next day, I called again to confirm, and U-Haul had cancalled my reservation, again. At this point, with all the college kids moving back into town, there were no trucks available. I ended the phone call with "You guys suck!". One company wanted $400 for a 14 foot truck.
Luckily hubby's brother and hubby's dad had a pick up truck. Thus we were able to recruit them for the move.
By Friday, so much crap was happening, that I just had to laugh at everything that was happening.
At the end of the move, we left a beautiful cherry chest outside the apartment, and it was stolen. We left it outside because we could not fit in the truck at that moment. This neighborhood has always been safe and the people friendly and considerent. Bamn, the chest was gone.
It was a good thing that someone took the chest, because I feel that the voodoo curse was lifted.
So now, a house full of boxes and no where to put them, I have given up on unpacking and have decided to just go with the flow and get to it when I get to it.
Life is almost back to normal.
Quilt & Bitch
i dunno q&b. maybe you should contact the police just in case.
anyway, congrats on your new home! congratulations!
Somebody has suggested that, but with all the hassel, not worth reporting it. I think of it as one less thing to move. :)
Thanks again.
they took Pandora's Box!
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