Sunday, November 26, 2017

'Nuf Said :: So many fails...

November 26 2017,

What an exciting week I had.

After months and months of contemplation, I decided to make an Indonesian cake recipe call Kueh Lapis Legit. The recipe I used was from this site. If you look at the ingredients, it is pretty daunting. 15 egg yolks, 6 egg whites, 500 grams of salted butter (equivalent to 4 1/2 sticks of butter).

So this cake is made in layers. According to one site, there should be a "minimum of 18 layers (and preferably up to 30)". I was only able to make 9 layers before I ran out of batter.

Below is where I folded in the egg whites with the butter batter.

It ain't pretty - I won't say what it looks like.

Below is the first layer before it got broiled.

This is what it looked like after 2 minutes of broiling - oopps...  the heat was too high.

Then the second layer...

Below is the final result - not the prettiest Kue Lapis - probably the ugliest ever made.

You can't even see the different layers!

'Nuf said. This cake will end up in the trash - I put in brandy, and that was a big mistake - that's all I can taste in the cake. Yucky.

I will now turn to "Chocolate Therapy". Yummy.

Next fail...

During the week I noticed gnats flying around the house. Then hubby mentioned that the plants that I repotted at the end of the summer looked horrible. He and I discussed the possibility, and we came to the conclusion that it must be the potting soil.

Below is my 20 year old plant looking unhealthy. This plant has been with me from the very beginning of it all. She's seen it all.

Luckily our compost soil in the back yard had not frozen yet - hubby dug out two buckets of soil and we repotted two plants in the middle of the foyer. After a day or so, the plants are looking much better.

Below is the culprit. Moisture Control Potting Mix, my ass. Stay away from this - it destroys your plants, well, it almost destroyed my plants.

Then we went to a friend's place for Thanksgiving. Here is what hosting 30ish people look like. It takes a village to prepare such a Thanksgiving. My role in all this was cleaning up. There were a few "kids" (30 year old) that barely helped in the preparation or cleaning up. No comment.

Next fail.

So after Thanksgiving, we went to visit hubby's family. We drove from New York to Conneticut (approximately 2 hours away) and visited with them. As we started driving back to Boston, hubby realized he had forgotten his pool cue in New York. F***. F***. F***. He had a pool tournament the next day. We left Connecticut and 9:40 PM, and at 10:00 hubby realized what had happened. And at 10:15 we started driving back south to New York. We arrived in New York at 12:05 AM, picked up the pool cue and made a cup of coffee and arrived in Boston at 3:00 AM. Boy was I fuming. We could have been home at 11:40, but instead got home at 3:00 AM. I was pissed. Hubby was pissed. Not happy. By the morning, all is good.

Next fail.

Christmas lights. I don't get it - how can they stop working after a few years. I tried to "fix" it, changing the fuses - but it still didn't work. Some strands had no lights at all, some strands only had half the lights working. Off to the garbage.

Our Christmas lights are up - our decorations are up. The Christmas music is blasting. Let the celebration begin.

Bah Humbug.

Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Quilt & Bitch

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