It is the year of the Ox. Had the new year's eve dinner. It went partly well except for the chicken with ginger and scallion. I had planned everything to come out at once, and that did not go as planned. Oh well, lesson learned. The chicken was still raw when the fish was done, even though the chicken was being steamed for a while longer. I think my mistake was putting it in a bowl, instead of a flatter and wider dish type bowl. On the upside, I don't have to cook today. Sorry there are no pictures, I think our guests were pretty hungry, so I didn't try to take pictures.
I am superstitious when it comes to the new year. The apartment was cleaned for the last month. Every nook and cranny. The apartment is not big, but I hate having to spend days cleaning, so I break it down to little projects. Even my sewing area (aka dining area) is pretty neat.
I bought a sewing pattern from my local quilt shop last week. It is called "Bali Bowls" by "Aunties Two". I saw a sample of it in the quilt shop and I fell in love with it. The concept is wrapping clothesline with fabrics, which is pretty cool. I looked over the instructions quickly, and it is not hard at all. I think I'll be making these for next Christmas.
Currently I have four quilting projects going on.

The above is called "Lizard's Circle", and it is the oldest project (not counting other numerous other unfinished objects UFOs) . It is currently being hand quilted. You can probably see the bastings still attached to the quilt. This is an original design I created. I have another piece that is done which is the reverse of this. The gecko fabric is the circle and the light colored fabric is the circle design. I have to get better pictures of it before I post it up.

The above is called "Lizard's Circle", and it is the oldest project (not counting other numerous other unfinished objects UFOs) . It is currently being hand quilted. You can probably see the bastings still attached to the quilt. This is an original design I created. I have another piece that is done which is the reverse of this. The gecko fabric is the circle and the light colored fabric is the circle design. I have to get better pictures of it before I post it up.
The second project doesn't have a name or title yet.

Another of design I created. It is being appliqued on right now.
The third project is the Borobudur. It is an outline of the Borobudur that is in Indonesia. It is currently being hand quilted.

The fourth project is from Gwen Marsten's book called "Collaborative Quilting".
(Update February 3, 2009: I have created 32 blocks so far, 10 more to go. Yipee).
(Update February 10, 2009: I have created all 42 blocks. Extra Yipee).
For all these quilts, I don't really have an end date. A wall hanging can take me 2 to 6 months to do. For the ones which takes 6 months, most of the 6 months, the quilt is just sitting folded up in a closet somewhere.
So those are my current projects. I'll post up a few of my finished projects as soon as I get better pictures of them.
Happy quilting.
Quilt & Bitch.
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