Tuesday, July 19, 2016

'Nuf Said :: "That's the Worse Place You Could Have Parked."

July 19 2016,

Last week was not a good week, specifically on Tuesday.

That day I started worrying about my quilt that had gone to VQF. It had been two weeks and the quilt was still not on my doorstep. I got the pertinent information from VQF and contacted the people who should have delivered it (the one with the purple and gray logo).

Next I needed to go to two houses that our mail sometimes gets delivered to.

The first one normally gets our missing mail and packages, but they weren't home. I peaked into their foyer, and saw mail strewn all over the floor and one white box. It wasn't my box so I dismissed it.

I then went over to the other house with a similar address. I parked and rang the doorbell. I waited and rang again. I turned around and saw that the house across the street was backing up of the driveway slowly.

He must see the car I said to myself. I turned back towards the doorbell and rang again.

The driver of the car continued backing out and hit my car.

Ouch, no it was really a crunch, not an ouch.

He got out of the car and said, "That's the worse place you could have parked." I bawled. I started crying on the spot. I was so frustrated at the whole situation.  He was taken aback and said sorry. I said it wasn't him, I was just having a really bad day.

On top of that, I had not brought my wallet or phone with me, because it was just down the street, less than 1/2 mile away. I asked him if he could follow me back to the house, and he kindly did.

What a day that was.

As for the quilt, two days later I went over to the other house where the white box was and noticed another car had appeared. I rang the doorbell, and a sleepy 40 year old guy answered it. I said my address and told him I was missing a package and asked if he had seen it. He looked down by his foot and grabbed the white box and gave it to me.

WTF?!?!?!?! He had had the package for freakin' two weeks. No "sorry", no apologies, no nothing. Just a "umph". I wanted to strangle him on the spot and give him my two cents.

Fortunately for this guy, his packages don't get sent to our place by accident. I look forward to the day that one of his worldly possession end up on my doorstep.

"Oh, is this yours?"

One more thing, the people whom I had wanted to do the body work with still hasn't returned my call since Friday afternoon. I guess my money is just not worth their time. 

Quilt & Bitch

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