Monday, December 19, 2016

'Nuf Said :: Epic Fail

December 19 2016,

My first topic of bitching is this catalog. This is a 666 page catalog from Restoration Hardware that measures, 9.5" x 11" with a thickness of 3/4". Nope, I've never shopped there nor request a catalog. This one just shoves it in your mailbox - and luckily my poor mailbox did not fall off. What a waste of paper this catalog is... but luckily it states that the paper came from "responsible sources" and that it is "promoting responsible forest management. Umph. If it really was "promoting responsible forest management" they wouldn't have sent me this, because I did not ask for it.

If you do want to buy something for me, you can gift me this beautiful crystal chandelier on page 426 (not that we have any place to hang it). No seriously, just the chandelier would do. :)

But wait... there's more (there's always more right). One Saturday a few weeks ago, Laura (an artsy fartsy friend) had me come over and do some art. She has a collection of funky magazines. So we spent the whole day cutting up stuff and gluing things. Below is my final creation. Hey, I can use the Restoration Hardware catalog to make me art! Unfortunately, the catalog is mostly in brown and beige hues (boring) - I like colors. I'll keep it for a month and see if I am inspired to do something with it, or else it is going to be recycled.

So below is the end result of the day of art.

Below is Laura's piece of work. She called it "Divorce". Interesting.

But wait... there's even more bitching. I ordered a bunch of stuff for a friend for Christmas, approximately 8 small items. This is one item that came. You notice the packaging? They should get an epic fail for this. It is so wasteful in many ways. This could have just been put in a small padded envelope safely, it's not fragile or breakable. A big box that is at least 100 times it's size?

But wait... there's just one more bitching.

This house is down the road from us. I can't help laughing how the home owner's put this poor rodeo snowman in the middle of their yard (we don't know who they are, so we can make fun of them). Yee haw! It really looks silly. They could have put it near the entrance of the house so that it doesn't look silly. But smack in the middle of the yard with no other decorations?

Bah humbug. I'm in a bitchy mood.

Quilt & Bitch

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